Friday, August 28, 2009

I've lost my BRAIN this week

Okay this is so unlike me and I am starting to think I have lost my brain somewhere this past week, Why? I hear you ask! well because so far this week I have forgotten a Dr appointment for one of the kids,which I had to rebook for 3 weeks away because thats the only avaliable they had left.Then on Wednesday I ran like a crazy nut prior to baby H's family contact only to find I have arrived 1 hour early for the family contact visit.I have NO idea how I did that!! Then today I topped the week off by forgetting about another contact visit with a grandparent of our foster kids, I had actually taken sometime out to have lunch with a good friend that has move about 1 hour away. On the way home I was checking out a great little scrapbooking shop they have in her town and suddenly it drawned on me that I have forgotten the visit and I had 30mins to get to it YIKESSSSSSS. SO I madly finished up my shopping, ran for the car, pack the baby into his carseat, and headed home. I rang DH because he had the other kids needing to go to the same contact and he quickly drove to the DOCS office to dropped them off, Thankfully I was able to save it by ringing and telling the kids socialworker I was "just" running late. I arrived several minutes later than my Husband with lots of apologies, since this Grandma had been come from 2 hours for her precious 1 hour visit. I offered to stay and make up the time so it all worked out okay, but then to top it off I also completely forgot and had double booked the Community visitor(a external program that ensures children in care are getting all they need, A worker comes out once a month to see how everything is going)Our communtiy visitor is great, but this is the second time I have cancelled this month!!! Last time I had sick kids. I know she will forgive me but Gosh what has gone on in my brain this week..........I so need to look at a better way to plan, schedual and organise my kids scheduals, if anyone has any ideas PLEASE comment. I use a wall calendar but need something better...I've checked out a couple of the Mum type Diaries and Pocket books, but sadly alot will not work for us as we have more than 4 kids, which is what most allows schedualling for Anyway, I guess every so often a mumma of 7 kids with crazy scheduals can have a bad week or 2.
Hugs Nicki

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled across yoru blog and I really love it. I'm on an adoption journey myself so it was fun hearing your family. :-D
