This shot was taken this week in my 22nd week of pregnancy......boy time is flying by, only 18 weeks to go and that sure doesn't seem like enough time to be ready for this darling little miracle.
We also had the tour of hospital this week, and all was going well until we hit the birthing suites and they had 2 women in labour, I felt sick LOL........the nerves started and I just haven't seem to shake them since. It’s silly really they were not screaming and the doors to the birth suits closed, they were just making the noises that you presume one would make in the throes of labour and normally I would think those sounds where amazing, a beautiful labour song.........but right now they just make me nervous.........I guess that is normal.
I love the Hospital, and the birth suits looked amazing, with everything you can imagine you would need in Labour. The Hospital is very different to most around with its promotion of natural labour; VBAC's and water labour and birth. The OB's are extremely hands off, and Midwifes highly skilled. Women travel interstate and from overseas to delivery at the hospital.
They showed us the NICU, and step down just incase any of us had babies requiring that care and although I have seen the inside of a NICU and PICU way to many times while parenting our other miracles it’s still confronting to see it and know that it’s a reality some babies and families face. The only thing that my DH and I commented on as a negative is how quiet the place was......boy will our 6 children challenge that on visits LOL.
I also had the amazing pleasure of meeting my Doula this week........her name is Belinda and we just hit it off, she doesn't seem to think all my fears (from my first birth) are crazy so she is a keeper for sure. Then along with my amazing friend Christy (aka chief photographer of the birth and beyond) and of course my rock my DH Tony my birth support team is complete. Belinda and I will build a relationship up over the next 18 weeks as she visits us. I am pretty sure she will be an amazing support and she has had her own children at the same hospital which is also a huge bonus.
Pregnancy wise I am doing great, I am really enjoying the second trimester the baby is kicking so much now that some days I don't think she sleeps at all...........OHHH that’s right I haven't shared here that the 19 week scan went okay although we had to have 2 scans as the first scanning place couldn't get all the right views we needed of the heart and spine......but they did think it was a girl and then the second also confirmed they thought with alot a certainty that the baby was also a girl and her heart was fine along with her spine. SO I guess time will tell on that one, I am not going overboard on the pink theme just yet.
Its school break here so I better get off this computer and back to my is crazy here right now!
Enjoy the little things in life,
Hugs Nicki
Hi baby looking good!